Weiss advertising brand "Wanderergruppe", manufacturer unknown.
The company Ch. (Christian) Weiss was the third in the league of the great Trossinger harmonica factories. At the beginning of 1928, a year before the company And's (Andreas) Koch, it was bought by the overpowering industry leader Hohner. Weiss also released some advertising stamps around 1905/10. Typically, as in the other marketing of the company, here are the rhyming slogans.
The scene of a mountain hike - of course with harmonica music - was underlaid with two matching rhymes. The copywriter of the company Weiss was extremely creative. In the permanent exhibition of the German Harmonica and Accordion Museum highly original rhymes can be found from his pen!
Further information (in German) about the advertising stamps can be found on the page Marketing en miniature.